SciCommSci Club?
A space for networking, dialogue, & discussions centred around the ‘Science of Science Communication’ - #SciCommSci.
We bring together science communication practitioners, researchers and enthusiasts from a diversity of backgrounds to collectively learn about evidence-based science communication.

Our Mandates
1. Promoting a deeper understanding of evidence-based science communication
2. Bridging the divide between science communication research and practice
3. Deliberating on science engagement in the Indian context
4. Building a community of science communication enthusiasts to enable networking & mentorship
SciComm Unplugged
Siddharth Kankaria & Mohit Kumar Jolly
Personalised feedback to help refine your scicomm endeavours!
Book a session today to get feedback on an assortment of science communication activities ranging from talks, presentations, posters, videos and outreach activities.

Beyond Rubrics: Designing
Assessment Tools for
Play-Based Learning
Prasanth Nori & Rashi Nigam
Learning to Listen
in Science
Alexandra Anghelescu
Want to host the next SciCommSci
talk, discussion or workshop
for us?

Database of Indian Science Communicators
Developed by SciCommSci Club, IndSciComm & SciRio
This database is an ongoing effort by SciCommSci Club, IndScicomm and SciRio to curate a searchable list of science communication practitioners and researchers in India, across a range of formats, languages, affiliations and areas of interest.
The public-accesible database provides information about a wide diversity of science communicators in the country, their contact information, their areas of work / research interests, as well as samples of their science communication work.
It contains information collated from multiple sources, including a previous list of science communicators hosted on the Confluence platform (Indian Academy of Sciences), IndSciComm's previous database of institutional outreach staff, and responses collected from an open Google form.
If you'd like to get listed on this database, or update existing information about yourself, please fill up this Google form below. Please direct any further queries to [email protected].