Featured talks & discussion meetings on SciCommSci topics!

From Messaging to Meaningful Change: Science Communication for Engaging
Key Stakeholders
We are really sorry to inform you that the #SciCommSci session scheduled for Friday, 30th April has now been cancelled due to unavoidable circumstances making the speaker unavailable.
Our sincere apologies for any inconvenience caused.
Please do stay tuned for future updates!

Learning to Listen in
Science Communication
Alexandra Anghelescu, 17th Mar'21
The SciCommSci Club's eighth session saw Alexandra engage in some interactive activities to probe the audience's expectations from the session - a great example of how to listen intently!
The session also had a guest speaker, Sophia Collins (Parenting Science Gang), who shared her experiences of how listening shaped her science communication and public engagement projects!
Alexandra's session also shared suggestions for implementing 'active listening', overcoming preconceived notions about our audiences, and creating spaces for enabling genuine dialogue.

Beyond Rubrics: Designing Assessment Tools for Play-Based Learning
Prasanth Nori & Rashi Nigam, 15th Aug'20
For the first session of SciCommSci Club's Season 2, Prasanth & Rashi engaged us in a hands-on, minds-on workshop about designing assessment tools for open-learning environments!
They introduced us to their Beyond Rubrics Toolkit, developed as part of their work for the Playful Journey Lab at MIT, and explained the 7 elements of designing makerspaces: Agency, Design Process, Social Scaffolding, Productive Risk-taking, Troubleshooting, Bridging Knowledge, & Content Knowledge.
They also described the concept of constructivism and explained the difference between instruction-based learning and experience-based learning in the classroom. Finally, the session ended with the sharing of anecdotes in the Indian context and discussions on implementing these toolkits in local settings!
Read more | Watch a recording

Why Facts Aren't Enough:
Navigating Emotions & Identities in Public Engagement
Divij M. Kinger, 15th Feb'20
The SciCommSci Club's sixth talk touched upon the difficulties of navigating audience emotions & identities in science communication & public engagement.
The talk elaborated on the role of individual life experiences in shaping people’s world-views, and why it's crucial to weave in shared identities & contexts while designing these initiatives.
The talk also discussed various cognitive biases & social instincts like Knowledge Illusion, Backfire Effect, Negativity Bias, Gap Instinct, and expanded on successful communication strategies for weaving together scientific rigour with healthy emotional engagement.

Joining the Dots:
Science • SciComm • SciArt
Ipsa Jain, 11th Jan'20
The SciCommSci Club's fifth talk re-evaluated the role of scientific illustration in both scientific research and the communication of science.
Starting with the difference between scient art and science illustration, the talk described how the visualisation of scientific concepts can provide fresh perspectives of 'seeing' and understanding natural phenomena around us; catalyse conversations about science; and create lasting impressions of scientific concepts and processes.

Does India need a Structured Ecosystem to Communicate Science?
Suchitha Champak, 21st Dec'19
The SciCommSci Club's fourth talk briefly touched upon the challenges of communicating science in India, before moving on to a detailed discussion on the need for creating an organised ecosystem for 'communicating science'.
Using multiple case studies, the argued for the role of institutional structures & frameworks in creating & nurturing such ecosystems.

Starting with the Why: Understanding SciComm Objectives
Meera Tenguria, 16th Nov'19
The SciCommSci Club's third talk focussed on framing one's science communication messages based on the three W's - 'why', 'who', and 'what’.
Using an audience-based approach to communication, the talk elaborated on the ways of identifying and prioritising stakeholders; understanding their needs and expectations; and developing targeted communication strategies.

Science Communication & India: Where are we headed next?
Sreshtha Mondal, 19th Oct'19
The SciCommSci Club's second talk provided a short overview of the current trends in science communication research across the world.
The talk elaborated on the various skills required for doing effective science communication, as well as the importance of both listening and speaking.
The talk was interspersed with activities to highlight current opportunities within science communication, as well as enlist institutions and resource people to network with.

Rethinking Science Communication
Siddharth Kankaria, 21st Sep'19
The SciCommSci Club's first talk provided a brief introduction to the Science of Science Communication (SciCommSci), along with a short history of science communication theories and models.
Using an exciting range of audience engagement activities, the talk also argued for the need for rethinking our science communication objectives. Finally, the talk proposed a new way of thinking about the role of science communication in a modern knowledge society.